27 Jun AGROBIZNES is exempted from paying a flat fee
On January 1, 2019, amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Regulation of Urban Development Activity No. 3038-VI of February 17, 2011 (” The Law on Urban Development “) came into force.
The law on urban planning obliges developers to participate in the creation and development of engineering, transport and social infrastructure of the settlement.
The share participation in the development of the infrastructure of the settlement is to transfer the developer of funds to the appropriate local budget before the object is put into operation. The size of the funds varies depending on the settlement, but it can not exceed 10% of the total cost of construction.
The Law on Urban Planning contains several exceptions to the payment of share participation in infrastructure development, which was further expanded with recent changes. Now the construction of the following objects also does not require the payment of a share fee:
agricultural buildings
buildings and constructions of food industry enterprises
silos for grain and storage facilities (for storage of agricultural products)
As a result of these changes, customers of construction of agricultural facilities can save up to 10% of construction costs.
AVELLUM provides legal support at all stages of construction from the purchase of a land plot to the registration of ownership of the building.
In addition, AVELLUM provides advice on the construction of various types of buildings, including renewable energy, as well as other complex and complex issues in the field of real estate and land law.